four french police officers were badly injured after being shot at by hooded youths on a paris housing bestate/b. the attack, which happened in the high rise grigny bestate/b on sunday night, was described by interior minister michele ...
Ena bneresnica/b, ki se stalno ponavlja, je ta o potopu zdravstvene blagajne zaradi povišanja zdravniških plač. Zgodba je vedno enaka: prvo 'šokantna' dezinformacija o mega zdravniški plači (ponavadi gre za prejemek, ki je vsota plače za redno delo, dežurstev, poračun za nadure,dodatek za b..../b A heart-valve replacement that would cost $200000 or more in the US, for example, goes for $10000 in India--and that includes round-trip airfare and a brief bvacation/b package. ...
four french police officers were badly injured after being shot at by hooded youths on a paris housing bestate/b. the attack, which happened in the high rise grigny bestate/b on sunday night, was described by interior minister michele ...